Friday, August 7, 2009

Changes in the Martin Household

There really isn't much going on these days in the Martin household these days. Which is a good thing, right? Joe is still working full time at Advanstar and part time at Starbucks, and I'm still full time at the hospital.....but I'm loving it to wits end! *S* (Bet you never thought I'd say something like that, right? Ok, I should clear this up......I love what I am doing, absolutely love it! But I hate the politics behind what is going on. I know there is always going to be politics with things, but at some time you just get to the point of not wanting to have to deal with it anymore, know what I mean? Oh well.)

Other than my hours and schedule being changed at work, I am not back to working 8 hour days verses the 10 hour days I had been doing for 2 1/2 years. This, of course, was not my choice to change. It came from above, unfortunately I am not a big fan of the switch, but trying to deal with it. So, ultimately, I am getting a little bored of things. So I've picked up more running, now running between 4 to 5 miles each run. And, I've actually had the opportunity to run with Joe! Well, sorta! I finish before him, but we do start together, which is good for him. I'm so proud of him, keeping up on the running even though it isn't something he really likes. But having a goal in mind has kept him trucking forward. In the next couple of weeks, both of us are going to be running a 5k, this'll be Joe's first running race! I'll keep you posted as to our results.

So if anyone has any ideas for easy, part-time or at home jobs, please send them my way! Wish us luck, more Joe than myself, for the up coming community race we'll be taking part in soon! Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for keeping up on us!


amrolih said...

I love the picture at the bottom of you blog page! Where is that? Did you take it? Great pic!

Tiffany and Brian said...

GOod luck on Running to the two of you. Especially thinking of Joe. I know where you're at, I'm right there with you and until we are both in shape each blocks gonna hurt. But at least I know that once you're there, running is an awesome release.