This past weekend was wonderful. Joe and I got to take our canoe our for "spin" with two good friends, Seth and Traci. It all started off Sunday morning with Joe and I getting a call at 5:45am from a co-worker calling for Joe saying she was sick and needed him to come into work to cover for her. I felt bad for her, but Joe stood up and said No! because he had plans for the day! Way to go Joe for once! After that we really didn't get back to sleep, just tossed and turned for two more hours. Finally we got out of bed, headed down stairs to make a shake for breakfast, and then headed out the door to get the canoe on the car. Let's just say, that's a feet in itself. I can't lift anything straight over my head very well, so it was a difficult task at 8 in the morning for two non-morning people. But, somehow it got done and was there for the trip to Seth and Traci's house. After meeting them there, we headed to the gas station to fill up for the ride out to Lake Nebagamon to their cabin to get their canoe as well! Joe and I talked on the way and decided on our canoe's name: S.S. Callypso the Canoe. From there, we decided to refere to our trip as the Inaugural Voyage of the S.S. Callypso! Catchy phrase isn't it!?
During our drive out to the cabin, we acquired some problems with the canoe on the car, slipping and sliding back and forth, almost to the point of it coming off the car! IT was freaking me out, so we had to stop to tighten everything down. During this process, we lost sight of Seth's truck, thus leaving us out in no where without any sense of direction of where to go! Lucky, they noticed we slipped back and waited for us before they turned a corner! Once we made it to the cabin and got out of the car, I thought I was going to freeze. Traci and I were just shivering as the boys rounded up the canoe. I was hesitant about the voyage, but tried to think positive that it would be warmer up at the river. We decided to take the trailer for the two canoes, although the tires on the trailer were low, and needed air. So, we got the canoes on, the trailer on the truck and headed to the little town of Lake Nebagamon for air. Joe and I followed with my car. Once we got air, turned around and headed to the Winneboujou landing, where we would finish. Joe and I got into the truck with the other two and headed up north to Stones Bridge, our departing spot, 12 miles away.
Once we made it to the landing, we unloaded, got a couple of pictures and jumped into the canoes to start our adventure! It was great, a comfortable temperature outside, with some wind but not too much. It, needless to say, was a perfect day for a trip with friends.
Along our way, we got to see many different things and we even had a little picnic on the side. The scenary was great, fishes, birds, landscaping. It was awesome. Great photo ops throughout the day as well! Traci had a waterproof digital camera and was the one taking most of the pictures. Thanks to her, I was able to put them on here for everyone to see! I, of course, had a little waterproof fun camera, which I have not developed yet, so I'm taking advantage of these! Great pictures Traci!
Along our way, Traci and Seth came across a rock and decided to call it the Nipple Rock! I think the picture explains itself! As you all know, I usually come up with comments like that, but this time it was someone else!*S* But honestly, the rock looked like a nipple, what can I say!
Traci was doing great with the camera and taking pictures of all of us together! Usually when I try to get a good angle for a picture, they don't turn out this well!
Like I said there were great photo ops along the way. This was taken near Cedar Island I believe. Cedar Island is a little area along the way were many US Presidents would visit to be secluded from the public. A perfect summer home away from the White House.
Literally, Joe had to get out of the canoe, and try pushing enough to get us unstuck. As he did this, we ended up getting unstuck, then stuck on another rock! Traci and Seth were at the other end, laughing as we were too! Joe was complaining because the water was so cold, but I just kept on laughing. What are the odds that we'd get stuck. Now seriously, it just wouldn't be a trip without something happening, right?!
What great pictures! Makes me want to get out on the water. Congrats to Joe for getting you out of a jam!!
It looks like a lot of fun. We love Duluth and miss all the fun stuff from up north. Take some pictures of the falls colors for me!!! Hope all is well for you two. It was good but too brief of a visit last time!!!
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