A couple of weekends ago, Joe and I went for a venture in Jay Cooke State Park and walked around there for awhile. Here is a picture from the walk! It was a great day, although we walked along the river for quite some time, he had to hike back up, and it was a hike "Back Up" the trail. Joe was panting at the end, but it was good!
This is day four of my six days off from work, without having to take vacation time! During these past couple of days, I've had the opportunity to think about things and clarify some questions in my mind I haven't been able to answer. And see some people whom I haven't seen in quite awhile.
This past weekend, I got a phone call from my friend Zack. It caught me off gaurd because the number on the phone was his cell phone. I thought to myself, he couldn't be back from Bosnia already, but I was wrong! He was back here in Duluth, at least for the next school year!! So I hurried up, called Joe and told him to meet me at the bar so we could catch up! It was great! I hadn't seen Zack in over a year because he was stationed in Bosnia for some peace keeping trip. Needless to say, it really didn't turn out the best but he made it home safely. It was great to catch up on things. Lots to talk about and just chill. I don't drink as much as I didn't back in the day, so the three drinks I had was enough! Joe finally met up with us at the bar and enjoyed the time as well. The only thing that would have made this a better evening would have been the people signing karaoke, not sign! They were absolutely horrible, but the time was pleasant.
On Monday, I made a new goal for myself. I am hoping this is something I'll be able to reach, but we'll see what happens between now and then: I am hoping to run the 1/2 marathon on
Ashland, WI called the Whistle Stop. It is on October 10-11 this year and it is a great run. I follows the corridor along the highway from Iron River to
Ashland (that is the full marathon and the 1/2 starts halfway through). It is a fairly flat run, on a paved limestone gravel trail run. I am hoping this is something I'll be able to attain, but we'll see what happens. I may not be able to run it in 2 hours, but i really want to try again. I didn't run Grandma's 1/2 twice during college. I know it can be done and with this course being a fairly "easier" course, I figure I should give it a try! So wish me luck with training. If anyone has any tips or ideas, please send them this way, I'd appreciate them! Here is the link to the website for the marathon/half.
http://www.whistlestopmarathon.com/Something that has also been bothering me, in a good way was thing: Why have I been so positive lately? For some reason, I have been looking at the bright side of things/life, something I am not known for. And you know what, it actually feels kinda good. I don't really know why it is happening, but I am actually happy with where things are in our lives right now. Don't know why, but I think I'll take it while it is here. Hopefully things will keep on traveling down this route, cause I kinda like it!
Plus, on July 20th, Joe and I will be down in the Cities for the Neil Diamond concert at the XCel Energy Center! Joe is a huge fan of Neil and he thinks this is something I'm going to enjoy. So we decided to get tickets and see where it takes us. I am hoping while we are down there, we may be able to see a couple of friend while we are there, but not too sure what'll happen or if we'll have time. But it is always a good idea to have a couple of plans/ideas of what to do. So wish us luck!
Hey Erin..I could help chuckling and your comment about the three drinks...since we used to call you "two-can" in college! :) Ahhh, the memories!
You're coming down my way! We shoud get together!
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