As for christmas, it has come and gone and yet another year has ended with another one beginning. It was great to spend time with the family at christmas, something I don't get to do all that often. Emily came home for the weekend and we got to spend some good bonding time together. Christmas eve consisted of going to my grand parents' house along with my two aunts and uncle, and cousins. All 20 of us squish into a tiny house that should only hold 10 people! But it is great as always. Other than my stupid-ass uncle, it was very pleasant.
After the night there, we returned home and did our christmas with my parents and sister. It is always great to know other are happy with what they get. I got Emily a couple of nice things, all of which she just loved. My mom, we got a new Wintergreen coat, which she absolutely loved. As for my dad, we got him a pair of cross country skis, which he can't start using until February because of his new Left Total Hip he had replaced in October. Needless to say, he was happy yet a little mad because of the stipulations put on the gift, but he does understand why. As for Joe, well, I had gotten him his birthday and christmas gift together: Nintendo Wii! It is absoulely great, if i do say so myself! Anyways, christmas day, we returned to our house, finished wrapping out Joe's parent's gifts and then went out to Joe's adopted family for christmas with them. It was ok, but could have been a little better. As for my gift, Joe got me a new digital camera, which was great!
For New Years Eve, JOe and I went out to dinner with Andy and Suzanne at Applebees. After the two hour dinner, we drove out to Joe's parents for a little after-dinner desert (or a drink or two) and then returned to O'Neils Pub and Liquor and played darts and a little shuffle board. After that, we all headed back to our house for martini's and a little Wii! It was great! Seth and Traci came over and we all played a little Wii Tennis and Bowling! Let's just say, it's funny to watch 28 y/o people yelling and screaming (kindly) at each other for missing a stupid ball when playing tennis! At midnight, we kissed, drank some more leading up to a mean game of golf! At about 1:45 am, we decided to call it a night and all said their goodbyes. In the morning, Joe woke up at 7 and then went out to his 'rents to watch the Badgers play as I stayed at home sleeping until noon! For our New Year's tradition we have been doing for about hour years now, Joe and I went to the movie, "I Am Legend". Now, that is a weird movie, if I must say so, but good. Although, i definately recommend "P.S. I Love You" over this one, but they still good!
As for the new year, Joe and I are doing great and looking forward to starting another year together. Still happily married, and going strong. No baby for now, but I'm working on that one with Joe! *G* Other than that, that is us in a nut shell! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and hope to hear from anyone whenever they get a chance!
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