This May has been a fast, yet interesting month. Alot has been happening already, and the month isn't over with yet! I finally was going to graduate with my Doctorate in Physcial Therapy! It has taken me two years to complete, but now I can finally say I am done with school. It has taken a lot of time and effort, and I'm glad I'm done. That is until my next adventure I decide to take on!! A huge achievement I've accomplished!
Graduation was on the 16th, and I was pursuaded into walking. (Thank you mom!) Anyways, it really wasn't all that bad. Graduation was help at the DECC, and 635 students walked that day. This was the largest graduating class CSS has ever had! Something neat to be a part of; however, the whole process took a little over 2 1/2 hours!! I was one of the first to walk into the arena, all the doctoral students sat in the first two rows, with the masters degrees behind us and the bachelors behind them. Unbenounced to me, the doctoral canidates were the last to walk. We were the ones to actually receive our "hoods" on stage, so that was pretty neat. After receiving our "hoods" you walked across, they announced your name and you then received your "diploma", or the holder of a fake piece of paper! (I actually received my REAL diploma on that Tuesday after graduation.) It was a fun process, thank goodness I do not need to do that again! *S*
This past weekend, Joe got us tickets to the Brewers verses Twins games at Target Field! Fridays game were on the 1st level, not too bad. It wasn't that great for the sole reason that Twins fans do not quite respect baseball ettetiqute. When someone is batting, don't get up and walk up and down the isles! Other people may actually be watching the game going on. Being on the lower level, it was harder to actually see the game. That is why I actually enjoyed the game better on Satruday, the view was less obstructed! Oh, did I mention the game itself was actually better too, than 15-3!! Oh well, the company was great and it was nice to see the Brewers.
Here is a pic of Joe and I on the Golden Glove outside of Target Field! I think this is cute! Many people were out there taking these pictures!!
Here is one of us taken by us!! My arms are perfect lengths for self portraits!