Upon arriving to our resort, we had drinks in our hands! Did I mention it was all-inclusive?! Anywyas, our first night in paradise was great! A little chilly, but hey, I can't argue when the temperature is 80!
Our first full day there, Joe had to travel back to Montego Bay to do some work at a call-center he uses down there. We ended up getting a couple little perks from this as well! While Joe was away, Andy, Suz and I hung around, partook in a beer drinking contest (I did not win, sorry!) and laid around, just relaxing. It was a little chilly, but it still was nice. We had three pools to chose from and, of course, the ocean! So many different things were available to us. Volleyball, water volleyball, glassbottom boat rides, snorkeling (which I absolutely LOVED!!!!), catamoran rides, and many more. hte best part of it all, NO WORK AND RELAXATION!
After playing here, we headed into Margarittaville for lunch! Not thebest, but still good! We then did a little shopping, souviners of cours! Then we went to Dunns River Falls. So what do you think when you hear that? Yeah, you'd go see the falls. Nope! We walked down the mountain, just to find out, we were walking back up the mountain, but through the falls!!!! It was so amazing! There were tons of people and guides around guiding us up the falls safely. It was great! Something you just can't describe.
Dinner Tuesday night, Joe and I ate at the Japanese restruant, which was delicious! Wednesday we hung around and played by the pool and relaxed all day! Joe and I did some water activities, he had a golf lesson, and Suz and I got to go to the spa. Wednesday night the four of us went to the Luminous Lagoos. It was where the right combination of salt water and fresh water meet, bringing micro-organizism to around. It's hard to explain but it was absolutely beautiful! We jumped out of the boat and got to swim in this bay. Everywhere you moved the water around, it turned a luminous green!! Just amazing!
Friday it was mid-high 90s and hot! We relaxed by the pools and Joe and I got to go snorkeling for my first time! It was absolutely great!! The vest kept me afloat the snorkel kept me breathing! I had never really seen anything like that beore. So on Saturday before we packed everything we got to go one more time!!! Although this trip was alittle longer, I also go stung by two jellyfish. Nothing, bad, but it sure did sting a big!
Here Joe and I are, our last hour at the resort. Here's to a great trip and many more!