Well, on Friday I woke up to Nurse On-line calling me back from my call the night before about my ear. So I had to go in to see the doctor, but I had to go to Urgent Care because they had no normal openings....so I sat there for two hours to find out what I already knew, yep, it was an ear infection. But the best part was this time I got an antibiotic!!! YEAH ME! After that, I headed back across the bridge to Trends Salon and Spa which I had sent up an appointment for me to have a spa treatment for my birthday. I figured since no one was doing anything for me and Joe didn't take the day off like he said he was, that I knew of, I'd treat myself to a day of bliss. Upon my arrival, the girl at the front desk said, "You don't have to worry, this was already paid for." I looked at her and I got a huge grin on my face. I knew it, Joe came in and paid for it for me!! He insisted that he didn't, but I knew it was him! So, I spent three hours receiving a body wrap of chocolate rub, a facial, a glow treatment, and then a great pedicure. Oooo, don't forget the wine that was served as well! After that, I headed home, just in time for Joe to get there and spent some time together.
After awhile, my parents showed up, and we talked about where we'd be going to dinner. Mom suggested Ace's and I didn't oppose, they have fairly good food. But for some reason, we weren't going until 6:30 so we could meet Joe's parents there as well. Well, we were sitting on the couch, waiting, and waiting, and finally, at 6:20, she said we should go....weird. I would've left before, so we could get there and have a drink or two before others got there, but no, we had to wait. As we parked, I looked around the lot and I couldn't see Donna's car....weird. Joe said, "It's right over there," and just kept walking into the bar/grill. As I walked in, I looked to my right where there's a conference room and Suzanne and Andy caught my eye, but I didn't think anything of that. As I walked around toward the door, I looked in to find family and friends all yelling Happy Birthday to me. Joe had thrown me a surprised birthday party!!! I was so shocked and surprised, I didn't know how he kept it from me. Usually when I whine enough, (and let me tell you I had been whining alot that past week because we weren't going to be doing anything for my birthday) he'd give in and tell me what's up. But this time he didn't!!
It was great. My parents, Joe's parents, my aunt and cousin and her husband from Washburn drove up, my Uncle Jim and his friend Julie from Ashland drove up, and Joe's Uncle Le and Michelle from St. Cloud came up, as well as Andy and Suzanne, Seth and Traci, Krissy (Zach's girlfriend, but Zach couldn't make it cause he had drill), Amber and Mike, The Banker's, Kay (Donna's golfing partner), and Josh....man there are more that I may be forgetting, and I'm sorry if I do, it is not intentional!!! But the man of the hour, other than me, of course is Joe.
Thank you dear!
The best gift of the evening I thought was the whole party Joe was able to throw. But I was wrong. Joe had one more card for me. As I read it, I started to tear up. He usually doesn't get senimental cards....when I looked inside, there was a Northwest Airline voucher for $300. He had hoped to book a flight for me to go out see Amy in Arizona, but things just didn't work out. So instead, he got the voucher for me to choice when I want to go. I started crying, of course. I guess I never thought of him being so thoughtful and loving. Sometimes he doesn't show it, then others, like this, it just pours out. All in all, this was a wonderful birthday, and I have to say thank you to Joe and to the parents for helping plan this day. It was great! Thank you everyone! And a special thanks to my husband, I love you dearly, Joe! See, turning 30 isn't bad at all!