Say congratulations as Joe (and myself) completed his first 5.1k road race last night! It was held in Duluth at the Mount Olive church, called The Festival 5.1K. It was fun, but must I say a little tasking for your first race: the majority of the course was up hill! Joe's friend informed him of this race, saying it would be a good beginning run, but little did he know the actually race course until the day before. All in all, he finished, alittle out of breathe, but made it through. He keeps complaining, saying he didn't do well, but I am very proud of him for sticking with it and completing it. It was fun to actually say we did something together, sportwise of course! As for myself, I am sorta happy with my finish. I stuck to my 10 minute mile pace, slow but steady and that's all that matters. As you all know already, we don't have that runners body, but making the effort toward running and getting exercise is all that matters! So hopefully we'll get out more and do more local races. It's something fun to do and you're giving back to the community while getting exercise! Only two more months till the big race in October!