The last 3.5 miles felt like they took forever. Getting down onto Superior Street should have been a great point, knowing you are just that much closer to the end, but I sure didn't feel that way. There wasn't much wind and it felt like the temperature jumped. I do have to say the last mile was the killer for me and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to the end. I was exhausted, and ended up having to walk a couple of times. The crowd was great, just encouraging you the whole way. "You're almost there," and "You can do it" were all I needed to hear. I was so close, I just needed to finish. Then, without notice, the w/c top racer came flying past me! Now, if he can do 26.2 miles in under 2.5 hours, I can finish this 1/2 marathon!
Before I knew it, I was at the finish line, receiving my heavy medal and shirt, taking everything in. Everyone congratulating everyone else. Despite of the massive chaos, I got to see a couple of coworkers who were running, too, so it was good to know I wasn't the only one struggling. It was a tough race, had the weather not been so hot, I could have finished a lot better than what I did. Another great experience though. So a new goal for me now is to potentially run another 1/2 marathon this fall in Ashland, The Whistlestop. Since I have that competitive side, I need to beat my time this summer. Hopefully Joe will join me this round, but we'll see! I'll keep you posted on that idea. Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement! It really meant a lot!