Last Friday, Joe took the day off to spend with me. We both had a horrible week at work, and he felt this was a good opportunity for us to have an "Us" day that we've so badly needed. Ever since Joe started his second job, we haven't had too much "Us" time lately and when we can find it, it is golden. Since he surprised me taking the day off, it meant a lot to know he's been thinking of us. To start the day off, we slep until 8 A.M.! A late day for us! We then decided to get some coffee at Starbucks and then make our way up the North Shore. Along our way, we had a great talk, granted it was mainly me bitchin' about my job and new supervisor, but it was pleasant. After passing Two Harbors, we still hadnt decided where we were going. As we passed Gooseberry, we decided to head up to Split Rock Light House. As we stopped at the front gate, we decided to by a Yearly Pass to MN State Parks, that way we have to get out more, hicking and what-not to get our money's worth. Plus, then, we have to spend time together!
Pulling up to the visitors center, we came across this vehicle, which just added to our day. Definately made me and Joe smile! How could you not when you see a sign like that!?

Arriving at the visitor center, we looked around to notice hardly any one else enjoying the day. We thought the two of us were the only ones there, until another couple showed up about twenty minutes later! Upon rounding the visitors center, we literally had to follow the signs to the lighthouse. How appropriate! It's amazing how much fun you can have when you don't have a care in the world and you are just out to have a good time together!

Another photo-op! Aren't we just cute together!?! Smile for the camera! Lovely!

Since we were really the only two around for awhile, we decided to have a little fun, and started taking pictures and poses to remember the moments!

After spending some time around the actual lighthouse, (we couldn't go into any of the buildings at that time because we were there early in the season and there were renovations still going on), we thought we'd walk around and take the trail down to the lake. It was a pleasant, yet long walk through the woods. We spent some time looking at the vegetation and trees that were eaten by rabbits! As we grew closer to the lake, we stopped and found the stairs we'd be taking back up to the top. Hmmm, I was planning on counting them during our venture back up, but then I changed my mind when I saw really how many were there!! Alittle too many for me!

As you can tell, it was a beautiful day outside. You couldn't have asked for more, I must say! While we were walking around on the rocks, we stopped and sat for a bit to enjoy the atmosphere and the company. Before long, another couple showed up. It was interesting listening to them because you could tell they were from another country. Foreign languages are always fun to listen to. They were taking pictures as Joe and I were, so we offered to take their picture, as they did for us!

After leaving the lighthouse, we headed home and stopped at Ski Hut to look for new bikes for the both of us. Once we were done there we headed to the movie theater and watched a great, funny, yet stupid movie: Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It just put a great twist to a wonderful day. Spending this quality time with each other meant the world to the both of us.